I am very behind on my book blogs so I am not going to write a really long blog on my April book "Sex God" by Rob Bell. I am also going to say less because I do not want to review too much. I want to say enough that you read the book, and you should. This was probably my least favourite Rob Bell book though. I did not think it was bad, and I agrees with most of his points, it was just- weird! Some key points Rob Bell makes is "This is always about that." He says we can only talk about God or sex for so long before we talk about the other because they are connected. The book explored many connections between sex and God, and speaks of God being sexual. It was nice reading a Christian book on sex that was not about sexual abstinence. The book discusses sex as a connection and how meaningless hookups can be less sexual that a person connecting to another person through relationship without sex, because sex was designed for connection. The book also discusses Love. The book tells of how we can choose to love others or accept or reject anothers love. The book talks of love and ache and how they are universal because God feels the same emotions in relation to us- Sex and God and Love- all connected. The book says the love of God is more than rules; it compels us to love others. And when we don't feel loved we don't need to give ourselves away to feel love. We already carry the agape love of God with us always. Rob Bell also says men who sleep with many women give themselves the idea of being a man without having to be one. The book also discussed sex in the ancient world as being marriage and if you had sex you were considdered married. It even told how raped women would have to marry their raper, or he would pay a virgin price for her anyway. The book concluded that a couple who does too much too soon rarely endures the test of time and we must persue intamacy. Being naked. Seeing all of a person for who they are and taking it in. Do as God does when he looks at us, cos sex is the closest a human to human relationship can be in the right context. The closest intamacy to God & human... Cos sex and God are connected. This is about that. My rating: 4 Stars!
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