Okay I FINALLY finished my Bible study on Living Free by Beth Moore today, so I am going to blog on it (and hopefully Sex God and Darkest England by the end of the month... I am trying REALLY hard to catch up... It almost feels like I'm doing coursework from school because I am SO FAR behind!!) This book... Well I can easily tell you I do NOT reccommend it... It was supposed to take me about 5 weeks (5 lessons a week for 6 weeks). I Started it on Valentines day and finished it, well... TODAY!!! And I only finished it this soon cos I sat down and forced my way through several lessons in a row because it was just boring as ever. This is a good study for a new believer perhaps... Or for someone who has a hard time praying to God... I personally had to PUSH myself to relate to it right now & if anything it distanced me from Godd in that I just did not want to study the Bible AT ALL with it. As the study progressed it got worse... I'm telling you... This was like a really BAD and BORING book for me and I am SO glad its over. I was starting to wonder if I would EVER Finish it!! ... ANYWAYYYY I Wrote down some points that stuck out to me most in each of the six weeks I will post on here... But even still the MOST significant point on here was not even as significant to me as the LEAST significant one in Stepping Up!! So if you are looking for a study, I reccommend my last one instead...
These are my notes:
Week One:
- Take every Thought Captive to break strongholds
- Do this by focusing on Christ & Using God's word to rebuke Satan
Week Two:
- There are five spiritual retinas: 1) Believe him 2) Glorify Him 3) Find Satisfaction in Him 4) Expirence his peace 5) Enjoy his presence.
- We can believe IN God but still not believe him
- Getting in the Word provides spiritual nourishment
Week Three:
- We can have low self-esteem but still loads of Pride
- Encountering God's Glory in any real way brings humility
- Pride is a destroyer of ministries, marriges, friendships, jobs, and charecter
- Humility is not something we have until humbiling ourselves is something we do
- A life that glorifies Christ is a process that comes with maturity, but none of us do it perfectly all the time.
Week Four:
- Why persue something that can't satisfy us?
- Without spiritual food and drink, we will be hungry & yearning for something
- Dissatisfaction is only terrible if we don't let it lead us to Christ.
- We must correct our perception of God to free from strongholds.
Week Five:
- Searching for unfailing love in anyone but God is fruitless, dissappointing, & destructive
- Avoiding prayer is perscription for anxiety
- Prayerful lives are powerful lives
Week Six:
- Its not that we have nothing to fear, but his presence is the basis of our courage
- Concentrating on sin can cheat a Christian out of fully enjoying the presence of God.
Well... Thats all I got on it for ya... and after ALL that waiting!! Honnestly it was not very good!! I hope the next one I choose (I have 3 books on my bookshelf to choose from) will be a LOT better :) Keep on a lookout for my April & May Book Blogs...
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