What can I say about my May book? It is awesome! Gary Bishop, the author of this book works in ministry in Openshaw Manchester England on the Eden project with some of England's poorest! This book includes many stories he has encountered with the poor in this areathat I can not begin to summerise because they are simply too powerful. He tells what life is like for many of the poor in the western world (not just in England, but it can be applied to other countries like America as well). He discussed issues like limmited transportation, captive debt, illiteracy, drop outs from school, drug and alcohol addictions being a strong part of these people's lives, & the best way to minister to these people is to physically relocate ourselves to their world. We may not understand addictions or whatnot but we need to best understand these people's lives to help them & not live on outerlying districts & simply commute in. I found this book very relatable to many people I work with and daily encounter in my community in the midwest USA, & see the truth to the points and vivid stories. This is a book for all, but if you do not live in England, you may only find it through an inter-library loan from huge libraries, or to have it imported from the UK via amazon.co.uk or ebay.co.uk for a copy in the Americas. This book has not been published in countries outside the United Kingdom, however it is well worth the effort to locate a copy to read, and will not be a disappointment! My rating: An excellent full 5 stars :)