Well it finally happened last night... We all said goodbye to the old & began the new. It was weird thinking last night that this is not the start of a new year but a new decade. I remembered back to my Y2K party ten years ago with all my little classmates. How compleatly crazy we were... Its crazy to believe my mum & pa endured all that!! A lot has happened in the last ten years... It all went by so quickly. Remembering the music as it shifted from Britney Spears, to PLAY, to T-Pain, to Sean Kingston, to Paramore, to 3Oh!3... What a crazy decade... A decade where life went on. Not all the moments were the most plesant at times, but there sure were a few good ones. This next decade I have a feeling will be amazing!! I have my list in front of me of everything I want to dofrom places to travel, books to read, things to buy, voulenteer work to do... Its going to be a great decade... I have high hopes it will perhaps be the best decade yet!!
Now I will be honest, I dod not have a big group of friends with me on New Year's this year to party it up... All I had was word find puzzles, playing some Paramore, and my bottle of Bacardi (gotta party up whats gonna be the best decade ever right?!?)... No worries though because I did not get compleatly wasted or anything like that... I know better than that :) But I have a few pictures of my New Years for all of you... Keep following my blog if you want to know what I am up to... It's going to be an interesting next ten years for sure... Happy New Year!!
PS-- Please excuse my bad arangement of pictures... I'm still trying to figure out how to use this thing...
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