Its insane to think we are 75% done with January 2010 already!! Whats new with Raye?!? Still looking for a job!! How unpleasent!! :( Yesterday I got the good news though that I had made it through to level two on the dental assisting job, so today I took a series of exams which felt like I was sitting the SAT's or the GSCE's all over again... especially in the last part with all the writing, grammar, maths etc lessons. But I think I did well (on the last exam anyway I believe I only missed one question if any). If I do well enough I will pass to level 3 where I get a phone interview, & then level 4 where I will get an office interview & shadow someone on the job. I really want this job because the more I think about it the more I would love to go into dentistry... Maybe work as an NHS dentist someday?!? Who Knows!! I am still applying elsewhere though in case and if not, I hope to become a dental assistant in the future as a stepping stone to a dentist. Jobs are so hard to find around here... most jobs in America seam to want you to speak Spanish these days... I have to learn Spanish... I only know French and Italian...
Other than job stuff I have been working on a couple projects... I got a puzzle from WalMart of London that I put together & want to glue and frame for when I get my own place... the 500 piece puzzle only took about 3 1/2 hours to put together... Thats what the picture is of on the blog. I have been thinking about England a lot lately and how I wish I could just up and be there right now sometimes (but being away from Chad would be too difficult)... A group of my M8's just got back from London & Cambridge... I told them all how next time they are taking me hahaha.
I have also been working on finishing Velvet Elvis by Rob Bell. I still plan to post a blog on my thoughts and some commentary on the book when I finish it so look out for that... :) I have also been continuing to work on my Stepping Up by Beth Moore Bible study book in order to draw closer to God... When I finish that I may also post a few thoughts on that if I find I have stuff to say... I did learn something cool though that I feel like saying now... Did anyone else know that Jerusalem actually translates to "City of Peace"?!? I thought that as pretty cool. Dispite the violence I would still love to visit Israel someday... :) Heck I would love to go about ANYWHERE... but right now, I would just like a job, to pay my bills, have a place of my own to stay, & live comfortably!!
Today I also got my birthday cards together for February... I am going kind of crazy that I still have not been able to send off my Christmas cards or my January birthday cards... Hopefully SOON!!!! I Will hopefully be able to move into my on place soon!! :)
Well I am back to applying for places for work, reading my books etc... and I have to do the dishes at somepoint. Keep a lookout for my Velvet Elvis blog which should be before January ends!! Have a great week to come :)
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