I have not accomplished nearly as much in 2010 as I had hoped, but I did accomplish a number of things from my bucket list. I decided to take this blog to write down each of the things off of my bucket list that I compleated & the date I compleated the goal on (I date everything I tick off of my list). I do need to update my list though and remove a few things that simply are not possible (or at least in my control to add), and add a few new goals I have. After I share the things I accomplished this year, I will discribe a few things I hope to accomplish in 2011 (not list off different things I want to do, but I may list a little). So here is what I accomplished in 2010:
Buy and Read All of Rob Bell's Books 27-6-10
Read Drops Like Stars A Few Thoughts On Creativity and Suffering 14-3-10
Read Sex God 27-4-10
Read Jesus Wants To Save Christians 15-2-10
Read Velvet Elvis 23-1-10
Read The Poor Will Be Glad 27-6-10
Buy & Read The Darkest England & The Way Back In 21-5-10
Buy & Read The Entire Emily Series By Katie Maxwell 9-12-10
The Year My Life Went Down The Loo 6-8-10
They Wear What Under Their Kilts 5-9-10
Whats French For Ew 6-10-10
Taming of The Dru 28-11-10
Life Love & The Persuit of Hotties 9-12-10
Beth Moore: Stepping Up: A Journey Through The Psalms of Ascent 13-2-10
Beth More: Living Free 27-5-10
Buy & Read The God Who Is There By Francis Schaeffer 29-7-10
Read at least one book a month for a year 9-12-10
Buy a Tamagatchi 26-3-10
Buy a Black Denali North Face Fleece Jacket 5-10-10
Buy a Paramore Tee 3-5-10
Keep a Blog (at least 5 months) 31-12-10
Have pet guinea pigs 24-4-10
Participate in a March for Charity (Crop Walk For Hunger) 3-10-10
Watch the USA & England World Cup Game on Telle 12-6-10
Decourate my own apartment 20-6-10
That is all I did in 2010. In 2010 my main goals are to move to Colorado, work on my tech degree for a better job, seek out a stronger faith and hopefully work through at least one of the Beth Moor Bible Studies each month of the year. I have a few other goals on my list I have began in 2010 and will hopefully continue or finish in 2011. I would also like to keep getting in better shape and keep growing my hair longer. I also want to buy my new MAC I have been waiting forever for. 2010 has not been the best year. It has actually been quite depressing reading through many of my blogs over the 2010 year... I will not set my expectation incredibly high because it never seams to happen & I don't want to let myself down, but 2010... I'm ready to end. Ready for a new beginning. Happy 2011 Everyone!! My next update will be next year!!!! :) See you on the other side...
Friday, December 31, 2010
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Seeking Faith
I am not really religious... No matter how much I may want to be, my faith is very screwed up. Sometimes I have no idea what I believe, and after a hard year I have the desire in my heart, but very little knowledge of what is real and what is only a feeling. What directions are right to take and what is wrong. And where I can find peace and contentment in practise. I was looking at churches in Littleton Colorado online so I could get an idea of where I wanted to go before I moved there (I usually do this, and usually the church my gut tells me to go to is usually the right choice... actually it has always been the right choice). This time the church I was most drawn to and expirenced peace when looking at the page was Pax Christi Catholic Church. I am personally not Catholic, but my background has been close to this. At least 500 times in the last five years I have at one point or another considered converting to Roman Catholic, but I have always dismissed the idea. But I find myself considering it again. If I do convert I have a feeling a lot of my prodastant friends will be very angry, as some have already expressed in their critisism at my mere consideration of it! I have been to Catholic mass before though and have always found it meaningful and deep. Also quite complex. I do not understand all of the sacrements etc and would still find a lot to learn. From what I have learned however is that much of what people think of the Catholic church is not true, and that many of the issues Prodastants have with the Catholic church are either due to misunderstanding of purpose of an act, or it was a practise that has been done away with centuries ago. Even things like "Catholics do not believe in birth control" I have found are not 100% do not do this type of rules. The main purpose of that "rule" if you will was implimented in 1968 at a time of the hippy movement with casual sex running wild. It was implemented to discourage improper use of birth control. There are many who still recognise hormonal birth control as medical treatments, and condoms used responsibly (say a couple already has 2 kids and can not afford anymore, there is no problem using one because ultimatly God has final control over it, and sex is for pro-creating AND pleasure). Those involved in sexual acts just have to be open to the fact it involves all of this and is not mutually exclusive when using Birth Control (who knew that looking into the context of what the pope says would be just as important). And the Catholic church is changing in many ways within itself, yet remains strong after close to 2,000 years while all the prodastant denominations seam to split every-which-way. Not to mention it is the largest religious group on earth, and soley funds over 3 BILLION charities worldwide, not to mention over 200,000 hospitals in the United States alone!
Well anyways the process of becoming Catholic involves a lot of study, faith discovery, and seeking while growing in the Catholic community. This can take from 9 months to 18 months depending on the person, on averege. Either way, seeking out a faith I feel sure and strong of, and can practice and enjoy is what I would really like. I would really like to be able to proudly claim a faith and practice with all my heart finding meaning in it. Pax Christi offers the becoming Catholic faith discovery class for free and I hope to begin it when I get to Littleton. It feels like a good thing to do. The right thing at this time. At least seek it out. That has to be a goal for 2011... Seek faith and meaning, learn more, do more Bible studies, and put my whole heart into it! That is what I want :)
Well anyways the process of becoming Catholic involves a lot of study, faith discovery, and seeking while growing in the Catholic community. This can take from 9 months to 18 months depending on the person, on averege. Either way, seeking out a faith I feel sure and strong of, and can practice and enjoy is what I would really like. I would really like to be able to proudly claim a faith and practice with all my heart finding meaning in it. Pax Christi offers the becoming Catholic faith discovery class for free and I hope to begin it when I get to Littleton. It feels like a good thing to do. The right thing at this time. At least seek it out. That has to be a goal for 2011... Seek faith and meaning, learn more, do more Bible studies, and put my whole heart into it! That is what I want :)
Bible study,
birth control,
Pax Christi,
seeking faith
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
I didn't update Christmas, or since I got back from holiday, but now that my computer is "fixed" I guess I can write a little. I have gone back to work, and not much has been exciting or interesting yet other than I have come down with a nasty nasty NASTY cold! I caught it from Chad, the one he had while I was away! It is terrible and doesn't really want to go away. I slept in until 4:30PM on Christmas just about. Chad's mum was sick on Christmas as well so we did not go to visit her until the day after! Chad and I did Christmas gifts at about 10:30 PM again this year (its becoming a tradition I think haha). I did not account for all the 24/7 stores closing Christmas Eve & Christmas though... Whatever! Chad and I watched Harry Potter 6 so now we can see the new one as soon as the Palace Thearter has it! I also got the DVD The Blind Side to Watch With Chad as soon as I am no longer sick, as of now I am sleeping a LOT! I don't really know what else to say... My cold is kind of distracting me... UGG!! Well I will say more later folks, Have a good one... I need more sleep,
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Harry Potter,
The Blind Side
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Holiday to Washington DC
I made it back home after my holiday (no surprise- I didn't fly Delta this time...) It was good having a break away from work... that break was LONG PAST OVERDUE!! Some of the things I did on holiday were go shopping, help set up my parents Christmas tree, learn the basics of knitting, watch flims, and see the sights of places like Arlington National Cemetary, The monuments (my favourite is the World War 2 Memorial), The National Christmas Tree, Went to dinner for my parents 25th Anniversary, went to a science museum, saw part of the Smithsonian of American History, Watched the Nutcracker Ballet Performed by the Washington Ballet (third row seats), and I quite frankly didn't care that it was cold outside seeing a lot of this. The things I did not get to do were go inside the White House, inside the Washington monument, and inside the Pentagon. Oh well. I did get my picture taken next to each state name that I had live in at the WW2 Memorial plus Colorado (2011 should be great woot woot!). HAHA! I even had a stranger grab my ass on the escalator leaving the DC metro! One of the down sides to my trip I can think of would be the uncomfortableness of the bed I slept in oh yes... and the flight out there which of course I shared in my last blog. My computer is now fixed though (YAY!), but I still want a MAC because I don't trust a PC to stay fixed. HAHA! My suitcase arrived the next day as it was supposed to... and then the rest of my holiday just flew by! Hard to believe it really... Christmas will be soon. I have found Chad has hung out at my apartment while I was away seeing he left soda cans, cigarettes, and dirty klennex around my living room. Yuck! Anyway, I'm ready for another holiday... HAHA. That one went by SUPER FAST!
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Me in front of the Washington Monument in DC |
Friday, December 17, 2010
Guess who finally made it to Washington DC?!? That's right... I did! Delta Airlines is officially the worst airline on the planet! Of course I am not going to make that claim without fully backing up my point for all of you, so let me explain the whole situation of my flight out here and after I tell you the sort of things I have gone through in the last 24 hours, I am sure several of you will be in agreement that you too never want to fly Delta again ever, even if they are offering the lowest fares.
It started out with my flight to Atlanta this morning. Aside from having the least amount of space on any aeroplane known to humankind, rude cheque in staff at the airport, no class, and our snacks in flight were sponsored by hotels, and having bad service on the flight, that was the GOOD part of the trip. After arriving in Atlanta and waiting a while for my connection, shortly before boarding they cancel the flight into Washington Reagen National Airport. Okay, we all need to rebook our flights and wait in a long line. We do not get to talk to any employee about this, they simply scan our ticket and print us our info for our next flight. Luckily I am told I make it on to the last flight of the day to Reagen. After my gate being changed a dozen times in the next few hours I hear that so far Delta has not ran a single flight between ATL airport and DCA airport from the earliest flight to present and ALL OF THEM had been cancelled so far, but they were pretty sure the rest of the flights would fly out. WRONG! At about 5:30-6PM sometime they announce ALL flights for the day had been cancelled into Reagen and we needed to go to customer service to rebook. After RUNNING along with thousands of others to reach customer service to rebook I reach the line. With a long line still in front of me I am informed that ALL flights for the day are full into Washington-Reagan, Washington-Dulles, AND Bultimore! At least on Delta. We would need to leave security and return to the main ticket counter where you cheque in to rebook our flights. I met a girl from Germany at customer service, and an 18 year old who attends college in Arizona who was travelling for the frist time alone who was scared and crying. Neither had any idea how to get to the main ticket counter, and having previously lived in Georgia and knowing that airport well, they followed me to the main ticket counter where we waited nearly an hour and a half! The college student rebooked into Richmond Virginia that night which worked out better for her anyway, and I believe the girl from Germany ended up renting a car to drive to Washington DC. When I got to the counter the lady said they had nothing I could fly to the same day unless I wanted to go to Virginia Beach, Newport News, Norfolk, or Richmond. She confirmed me on a flight for the next day and told me that even though I was in Atlanta for the night the airline would not be providing any hotel credits- that would only be available to rewards members in the amount of 25% off. In fact, even though I was confirmed for the 6:45AM flight to Reagen, the airline had the right to bump me off of that flight if a rewards member needed that seat. They wanted to make sure all the rewards members made it to their destination first (of course they don't want to pay any more in hotel stays than they need to). She said I was free to try another airline and to ask US AIRWAYS or AIRTRAN AIRWAYS to see if either of them had any open flights to Reagen, Dulles, or Baltimore. She said doing this however I would lose all money I had put towards my Delta ticket, because Delta tickets are not recognised for credit by anyone else. But unless I wanted to wait a few days in Atlanta with no hotel, that would be my best option. UGH! Well US Airways was not an option as their only flight was departing in 30 minutes, so I proceeded to the opposite terminal to ask AirTran if they had any flights open. They do have a 10:15PM flight expected to leave to Baltimore with plenty of seats available for $257! However this flight can only be booked over the phone they say. After calling the parrentals and explaining the situation they agree and decide it is best to buy the ticket, only the lady from AirTran says the flight can not be booked over the phone less than 4 hours before the flight takes off. Then they decide to try to wire me money through Western Union to purchase the flight at the airport using cash. The Western Union outside the security however is closing shortly and I am not able to re-enter security to get the money because... TA-DAH... I don't have a confirmed valid flight for that day! The money will not go through anyways. I likely ran across between the terminals over and over in the next short time. In the last two minutes before the last possible minute I could cheque in for that AirTran flight, my father has success booking the ticket online. I have success getting out of Atlanta that night, and arrive in Baltimore just after midnight followed by an hour car ride to my destination. My bag of course does not arrive until the next day's flight that the airline requires it sends it on. But whatever... After a full day of chaos I am OUT of Atlanta... & I was beginning to forget how much I hate Georgia. I discovered later that it was ONLY DELTA who cancelled flights into DC that day and ONLY into Reagen. The other airlines made by with as much as a 30 minute delay. And this was all due to a dusting of snow?!? (just a couple inches)... REALLY. No other airline had ANY issues, nor did any other airport. Delta has really gone to shit! It has gotten terrible. I am really praying they go out of business and telling everyone else, if my story isn't enough encouragement, BOYCOTT THEM! I am, even if I have to pay double for any other airline. Heck my one way to Baltimore was about the cost of my entire round trip! Thank God I'm flying back on American Airlines.
It started out with my flight to Atlanta this morning. Aside from having the least amount of space on any aeroplane known to humankind, rude cheque in staff at the airport, no class, and our snacks in flight were sponsored by hotels, and having bad service on the flight, that was the GOOD part of the trip. After arriving in Atlanta and waiting a while for my connection, shortly before boarding they cancel the flight into Washington Reagen National Airport. Okay, we all need to rebook our flights and wait in a long line. We do not get to talk to any employee about this, they simply scan our ticket and print us our info for our next flight. Luckily I am told I make it on to the last flight of the day to Reagen. After my gate being changed a dozen times in the next few hours I hear that so far Delta has not ran a single flight between ATL airport and DCA airport from the earliest flight to present and ALL OF THEM had been cancelled so far, but they were pretty sure the rest of the flights would fly out. WRONG! At about 5:30-6PM sometime they announce ALL flights for the day had been cancelled into Reagen and we needed to go to customer service to rebook. After RUNNING along with thousands of others to reach customer service to rebook I reach the line. With a long line still in front of me I am informed that ALL flights for the day are full into Washington-Reagan, Washington-Dulles, AND Bultimore! At least on Delta. We would need to leave security and return to the main ticket counter where you cheque in to rebook our flights. I met a girl from Germany at customer service, and an 18 year old who attends college in Arizona who was travelling for the frist time alone who was scared and crying. Neither had any idea how to get to the main ticket counter, and having previously lived in Georgia and knowing that airport well, they followed me to the main ticket counter where we waited nearly an hour and a half! The college student rebooked into Richmond Virginia that night which worked out better for her anyway, and I believe the girl from Germany ended up renting a car to drive to Washington DC. When I got to the counter the lady said they had nothing I could fly to the same day unless I wanted to go to Virginia Beach, Newport News, Norfolk, or Richmond. She confirmed me on a flight for the next day and told me that even though I was in Atlanta for the night the airline would not be providing any hotel credits- that would only be available to rewards members in the amount of 25% off. In fact, even though I was confirmed for the 6:45AM flight to Reagen, the airline had the right to bump me off of that flight if a rewards member needed that seat. They wanted to make sure all the rewards members made it to their destination first (of course they don't want to pay any more in hotel stays than they need to). She said I was free to try another airline and to ask US AIRWAYS or AIRTRAN AIRWAYS to see if either of them had any open flights to Reagen, Dulles, or Baltimore. She said doing this however I would lose all money I had put towards my Delta ticket, because Delta tickets are not recognised for credit by anyone else. But unless I wanted to wait a few days in Atlanta with no hotel, that would be my best option. UGH! Well US Airways was not an option as their only flight was departing in 30 minutes, so I proceeded to the opposite terminal to ask AirTran if they had any flights open. They do have a 10:15PM flight expected to leave to Baltimore with plenty of seats available for $257! However this flight can only be booked over the phone they say. After calling the parrentals and explaining the situation they agree and decide it is best to buy the ticket, only the lady from AirTran says the flight can not be booked over the phone less than 4 hours before the flight takes off. Then they decide to try to wire me money through Western Union to purchase the flight at the airport using cash. The Western Union outside the security however is closing shortly and I am not able to re-enter security to get the money because... TA-DAH... I don't have a confirmed valid flight for that day! The money will not go through anyways. I likely ran across between the terminals over and over in the next short time. In the last two minutes before the last possible minute I could cheque in for that AirTran flight, my father has success booking the ticket online. I have success getting out of Atlanta that night, and arrive in Baltimore just after midnight followed by an hour car ride to my destination. My bag of course does not arrive until the next day's flight that the airline requires it sends it on. But whatever... After a full day of chaos I am OUT of Atlanta... & I was beginning to forget how much I hate Georgia. I discovered later that it was ONLY DELTA who cancelled flights into DC that day and ONLY into Reagen. The other airlines made by with as much as a 30 minute delay. And this was all due to a dusting of snow?!? (just a couple inches)... REALLY. No other airline had ANY issues, nor did any other airport. Delta has really gone to shit! It has gotten terrible. I am really praying they go out of business and telling everyone else, if my story isn't enough encouragement, BOYCOTT THEM! I am, even if I have to pay double for any other airline. Heck my one way to Baltimore was about the cost of my entire round trip! Thank God I'm flying back on American Airlines.
AirTran Airways,
cancelled frights,
Delta Airlines,
hotel credits,
money transfer,
rewards member,
Washington DC
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Why am I such a SLOB this Year?
I leave for holiday tomorrow! I am not packed at ALL yet though. I also finished my Christmas shopping and set up my tree yesterday. But before I leave for holiday I have really had to clean. I have noticed I have been more of a slob this year than any year before!
I found the most disgusting thing on my sofa yesterday! A BIG GOOPY MESS! Chad has helpped me clean the sofa and cushion but man its been RANK! I think it could have been BBQ sause but I don't know how it got there. I have had to shampoo the sofa like crazy. Its so nasty! My goal for 2011 probably should be to be cleaner after this year. After this at sompe point I am going to have to break out that sewing machine to make a sofa cover to protect my beautiful sofa!
I have so much cleaning left to do before my holiday. I hope my computer gets fixed while I'm there & I will have plenty of good stories to tell. 2011 is coming fast & I know good things are ahead so stay tuned! :)
I found the most disgusting thing on my sofa yesterday! A BIG GOOPY MESS! Chad has helpped me clean the sofa and cushion but man its been RANK! I think it could have been BBQ sause but I don't know how it got there. I have had to shampoo the sofa like crazy. Its so nasty! My goal for 2011 probably should be to be cleaner after this year. After this at sompe point I am going to have to break out that sewing machine to make a sofa cover to protect my beautiful sofa!
I have so much cleaning left to do before my holiday. I hope my computer gets fixed while I'm there & I will have plenty of good stories to tell. 2011 is coming fast & I know good things are ahead so stay tuned! :)
bbq sause,
christmas tree,
sofa stain,
Washington DC
Friday, December 10, 2010
Colorado? Seriously :)
It looks like a new door has been opened for me to move to Colorado in 2011. It was not the way I expected, or to the particular town I hoped, but I guess God opens doors mysteriously! The saddest part is I can not take Chad with me, so he has to find his own way there (which he says he will)... :( He has still encouraged me to go through with the move though saying its what is best for me. In Colorado, for a year or so, I would train in Medical Lab Technology at Arapahoe College in Littleton, Colorado. My friend Danielle Fulkerson from Georgia currently lives there as well with her family, so I would know at least one person there. when I am done training I would be able to go to a good job where I could eventually put myself through Uni at CU. It will be hard being away from Chad for a while, and then probably living an hour apart from him when he is in Colorado until my training is complete, but maybe this is the best thing for us. I love him so much maybe we just need to see where this road takes us. I am sure it will strengthen us both as individuals in the least, and God knows we need that! :)
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Telluride Colorado- aka Heaven on Earth |
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Life, Love, and the Persuit of Hotties
I have officially compleated my New Years Resolution to read a book a month every month each month of the year. This month I read the last of the books in the Emily series by Katie Maxwell. This book takes place ten months after the book before it did, and tells about the last part of Emily's senior year in High School, her graduation, and transition to University in Vancouver, British Columbia with her boyfriend Fang! Emily also takes a cruise to Alaska with Fang, which left me wanting to go on a cruise to Alaska, only if I go I do not want it to be an adventure like Emily's, because as always Emily continually finds trouble in her adventures no matter where in the world she goes! From breaking her arm in Vancouver on her graduation trip, a trip to the emergency room at a Canadian hospital where she and Dru attempt to sneak around to avoid a spinal tap, to Emily thinking Fang's spleen will rupture, to Emily getting high on Canadian pain killers at her graduation causing a major scene (as she last minute has to give the class graduation speech), to falling overboard on her cruise and Fang getting arrested in Alask, this book is nothing short of laughs beginning to end. The book is a fast read and one of my favourites in the series. I give it 5 of 5 stars :)
British Columbia,
Emily series,
Katie Maxwell,
new years resolution,
Monday, December 6, 2010
Oh December, 2010 is Near its End!
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Stella and Chloe |
I go to Washington DC on holiday in about a week. It is coming fast, hard to believe. I could use a break. Work is not giving me any hours and I hate it. My car is getting on my nerves and Chad has a major attitude. We argued all last weekend. I told him if his attitude doesn't improve though I will take off. I have had it with his attitude and drama!
As fo the future I am ready to seek God for the long term (whatever that means). I can tell Colorado is the right choice, but I don't know how to get there. I also looked at a discipleship trainiong school to grow again, although I'm not sure when or how that could happen. I guess time will reveal! I can't wait! Only one more book for this month then all of the books are compleated in finishing my 2010 new years resolution! In 2011 I hope to focus on all of the Bible studies I have not accomplished. I am already looking forward to a new (and hopefully better) 2011!
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