Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Sacrifices! Pretty Much My Life Story!

Group at the Cropwalk!
My life is basically a series of being patient and making multiple sacrifices. Its horrible! Not only can I not get my computer when I planned (will take longer to post these than planned but who reads my blog anyway???) But also I have to give up my holiday! Other things? I have lost a LOT of friends this year... Many I guess I really don't care about, but some I thought were really good friends decided I did not matter to them anymore because of stupid issues. Its upsetting but I guess it really shows you who matters, and it makes me glad to have fake people out of my life. I don't need them. When I get married someday, maybe a small wedding is best, and I will only invite people who really matter.
I am also looking for a new job. I think it will be better for me, Chad, and everyone if I had one. Casey at work got fired, but Zach the mamager has already hired someone new so we won't be getting many extra hours. Pray to GOD I find something fast.
That's another thing I want to change! I want to grow spiritually and regain some happiness. I want to put more of my life into others and do some good. Much of this got inspired from seeing the film Jesus Camp which used to only make me mad. Some parts of the film still do make me mad, but it made me want to do better, and only with the help of God. The Cropwalk for Hunger is this Sunday with  the church! (Will add photo to this blog after)... Its a start! Please pray for good things!


Monday, September 20, 2010

If Its Not One Thing... Its Another...

Chad's kitty Alice is also glad he is home :)
MY TICKET COSTS $121 DAMN DOLLARS!! I AM NOT HAPPY!! It looks like I will barely survive this month! And my medical bill is $1,151.00!!! If I don't go to DC, my parents might be able to try to help pay it for my Christmas gift! If I can find a way to get that paid off and my whole credit card, I don't need another Christmas or Birthday gift for like... FOREVER! I am getting my new computer tho in October (on a loan payment plan) and will be able to use it to run a business! I need this computer to both help me publish my writing and to record my music and run a recording label. I am pretty sure I can make that work! More Tacos and frozen dinners for a while though... :( I am DETERMINED to fix this somehow!
Chad got home just after midnight Sunday! Sunday was amazing! It was great seeing and talking to him and being with him. I think the time apart did us good. There was a great level of communication I felt so close to him. I'm constantly reminded of how much I love him. It was probably my favourite memory of the two of us to date. If it was always like that I would want to be married now, alas it is not... It was still a great way to end the weekend before the chaos began again of course...


Friday, September 17, 2010

More Piggie Babies & a Car Wreck! COME HOME CHAD!!

One of Moes babies only a day or two old
Moe had her piggy babies on Tuesday! Chad was still here then. She has six but one died and I was devistated. Chad helped take it out of the cage for me. I've been running out of food and money though so Wednesday (Chad left, and during a tornado no doubt) after work I got food.The next day I had to use my last $1.20 to drive to PetWorld across the city to use my store credit for piggy food cos I was all out! But PetWorld decided to be closed that day until noon! So it was all for nothing! Larry, a guy at Taco Shop, offered to take me on my break from my double so I could get food so they didn't die! I fed them the food I got plus old burger buns last minute before they would go in shock and die! But now Splodge recently had her babies and that makes NINE living babies plus three adults! UGG! TOTAL CHAOS! My mum wire transfered me $40 to last til payday to get petrol so I wouldn't have to keep walking to work!
Well today was my first car wreck on my way to work! NOT COOL! I was turning left on Harry Street & nobody was there all the way back to Webb Road, so I decided to turn out. After I was in the turn, this lady was coming at me (she either pulled out of the grocery store car park or sped up) I saw her on the phone & we each saw eachother & we each breaked but she shill hit me. I sort of hit her too but she knocked my car the whole other direction. I can't open my front passenger door anymore or pop my hood/bonnet that well (it is bent and the fender is knocked to the side). My left light and blinker "broke" but still work... I just need to tape them. Her car lost its front bumper. Nobody got hurt tho... not even a scratch... so we were lucky! The cops said it was my fault because I was turning even though 1) she wasn't there before I turned & 2) she hit me, & 3) She was on her phone! So I got a ticket! LOVELY! Luckily insurance will cover her damages and my car is still drivable! Guess what my overtime cheque goes to?!? SHIT! If its not one thing its another... This week has been eventful! I'm ready for Chad to get home...


Saturday, September 11, 2010

No- I Don't Plan on Getting Married soon Thanx! UGH!

Laci and I chillin at her house :)
Such a reminder today that I don't want to get married anytime soon! In fact I don't want to talk about it, I just had to say that! It seems as soon as things go well something blows up and reminds me exactly why I should NOT get married yet! But I'm actually okay with it! Chad will be gone camping four days (15-19 September) for his Bluegrass festival & I will miss him, but I know its for the best! Time apart may just do us some good!
Life is crazy! It consists of working overtime, & working out! And money will STILL be tight til payday! UGH! SUXXXXXX!!! I'm just on my countdown til I get my MAC... And hopefully things will look up... Its not ALL bad though, I'm just ready for a serious change...


Sunday, September 5, 2010

They Wear What Under Their Kilts?

In my book for September Emily and her friend Holly take a trip to Scotland for a month for school work expirence on a sheep farm. The book is fairly funny at parts and a fast read. In the book the girls also meet a "Scottish Love God" and compete for his attention to see who snogs him first. Emily and Holly have plenty of funny moments from working with the sheep,getting in trouble at castles, and stealing a two headed hedgehog (if that doesn't say enough right there) haha. The book left me saying "Oh My Crod!", wanting to learn to knit a sweater, and travel to Scotland myself. You really feel like you are there some of the time... But to find out what they wear under their kilts, pick up the book and read it. I give it 4 stars :)