My parents have been visiting the last week and it has been more crazy. Everything started before their visit when I threw out my back and needed to see a chiropractor the day they arrived. We were supposed to visit some people in Nebraska, but because their flight was cancelled and they had to re-book a later flight, we were not able to go. Maybe that was a good thing though because it took almost the whole week for my back to heal after I got my hips and spine compleatly realligned! My parents spoiled me when they were here. They bought me a lot that I dod not even ask for! My mum reorginised my place to fit all my things (I now have a telly, SEGA & PS1 as well, AND my guitar). Lilly-Ann brought by a sewing machine too. My guinea pig had babies, and I took my first trip to the zoo around here (picture is of poppie & his twin the chimp). I need to see if I can get Chad to to something exciting with me! Now that the parrentals are gone I have to figure out where everything in my apartment is, finish my June book, work on the guinea pig situation, & find a new job! WOW! The month (and half of 2010) is almost over! Go me!! It's been a crazy one- oh yes!
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