Half of 2010 is over and so far I have kept my 2 new years resolutions- 1) Read a book a month each month of the year, and 2) Work to get in better shape. I have made progress on my bucket list as well... But I need to narrow my focus on some goals... So by August 2011 I want to accomplish these eight goals:
1) Find a new job so I can save money to move to Colorado
2) Get in even better shape
3) Buy a MacBook Pro
4) Start recording Music online
5) Actually move to Colorado and get a good job there
6) Take my road trip out west
7) Learn more guitar
8) Get ready to recieve dental assistant training
At This point in time these are my top goals. Take a look back here in 13 months to see if I accomplish them.
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Monday, June 28, 2010
The Poor Will Be Glad
6 Billion people in the world live on less than 5 US Dollars, or 3.30 GBP a month! 2 Billion people live on less than 1 US dollar (or .66 GBP) a day. Last month I read "The Darkest England and the Way Back In" which focused on poverty in the UK and the rest of the western world. For June I read "The Poor Will Be Glad" by Peter Greer and Phil Smith which focused primarily on the lowest income group in third world countries. The book explained how poor people save money and borrow (especially since mant have no access to banks which are only for the rich requiring $320 to open the account - Twice the annual income in many African countries). The book was largely about microfinance, how it works, how poor people obtain business loans, and about the microfinance business loans having a very high success rate. The book stated that many well intended Christian charities that do missions or give needed items to the poor are causing long term harm with dependancy. The book explains how this microfinancein giving the poor loans in amounts of even $50 can be better help to them to help themselves out of poverty. I overall liked this book but it could be a bit boring at parts. If you are a Christian and are business minded you will love it, or you should read it for a new perspective on missions to the poorest of the poor. If you are looking for a book on microfinance and how the poorest people handle their money, read this! This book is not for everyone, but I would reccommend trying it! For a younger reader, the book may be more difficult to understand at some parts. This book is great for adults & Christian university students seeking a degree in missions or business. My ranking is 3 1/2 stars out of 5.
June Book,
Peter Greer,
Phil Smith,
The Poor Will Be Glad
Sunday, June 27, 2010
One Year... With My Love
One year ago today was my first night out at the apartment of my love! I can not believe it. It has gone by so fast but at the same time it has been a LONG year! At times he frustrates me so much I can't stand it (like even today) but in the end I love him dearly! He is probably the most important person in my life! Without him I wouldn't know what to do and nobody could ever take his place... People ask when I am getting married and I have no plans to right now... But I do love him and one day think I would love to... When we are both ready if I get that lucky. I have discovered the "ideal man" does not exhist. Even the greatest man will still frustrate you and upset you sometimes, but if you love him it is worth it. And he will always be himself! You can't have unrealistic expectations. Chad has proven to be one I can love and trust. I know I can always go to him for support whether together or apart in all of life's trials. He strengthens my faith when I have none & he teaches me patience. I love you so much Chad and look forward to more life adventures with you...
Friday, June 25, 2010
Parents Visit

My parents have been visiting the last week and it has been more crazy. Everything started before their visit when I threw out my back and needed to see a chiropractor the day they arrived. We were supposed to visit some people in Nebraska, but because their flight was cancelled and they had to re-book a later flight, we were not able to go. Maybe that was a good thing though because it took almost the whole week for my back to heal after I got my hips and spine compleatly realligned! My parents spoiled me when they were here. They bought me a lot that I dod not even ask for! My mum reorginised my place to fit all my things (I now have a telly, SEGA & PS1 as well, AND my guitar). Lilly-Ann brought by a sewing machine too. My guinea pig had babies, and I took my first trip to the zoo around here (picture is of poppie & his twin the chimp). I need to see if I can get Chad to to something exciting with me! Now that the parrentals are gone I have to figure out where everything in my apartment is, finish my June book, work on the guinea pig situation, & find a new job! WOW! The month (and half of 2010) is almost over! Go me!! It's been a crazy one- oh yes!
Guinea Pigs,
parents visit,
sewing machine,
Monday, June 21, 2010
The (Surprise) New Additions...

I Had a surprise today... a CRAZY story! After I got off work I fed my three guinea pigs, played guitar, then went out to dinner at Hooters with the fam. When we got back ,I played the parrentals a few guitar chords, but then I put my guitar down and looked in my guinea pig cage... Was I seeing things... "Oh shit! there are six guinea pigs" I said!Splodge had three babies. At first we questioned if one of my girls was a boy, but then decided through how long I had them and gestation period that Splodge was already pregnant when I got her. The babies were very surprising. Born with eyes open and able to move around and eat adult food (in addition to nursing). I love them so much already, but unless I get a bigger cage soon, I can't keep six... and I think Moe might also be pregnant! Geez... I need a small animal vet to sex them all and be sure Splodge is okay after giving birth... either way this will surely be a new adventure! The picture is of Splodge and her new three babies! :)
Guinea Pigs,
parents visit,
Thursday, June 17, 2010
WORLD CUP!!! :) And, could this month be more busy?!

The picture taken is of Kandace and I after the World cup game England vs USA. Kandace and I wanted England to win, but they tied. I think we were the only ones at the bar cheering for England. I must say though if England wants to do well this world cup at ALL they really need to step up their game... Some of that game felt like I was watching school boys play, not a proffessional world sport event! In all honnestly I thought BOTH teams played worse than expected!
This month is SO BUSY! Double shifts, birthday, World Cup, cleaning for my parents to visit, keeping up on my blog and reading, hopefully going to Nebraska, looking for a new job, dealing with a computer that does not work (what is this the third virus this year?!?). Sorry I am so scatter brained everyone! Parents are coming in a few days and my apartment is a disaster! I am just posting to tell everyone if I die, this is why... I am so busy! I hope July calms down... FOR REAL!!!
computer virus,
parents visit,
world cup
Thursday, June 10, 2010

Today I turned 22! It feels weird thinking it feels like I just turned 21, but at the same time so much has happened in the last year. My birthday was not really celebrated at all! I got an ice cream cake from Chad, but aside from that I just slept in & worked. I have not been able to buy the new MacBook Pro I wanted, and I still need a new job, but it's hard to find when my current computer acts like shit! Happy birthday to me... Life is so fascinating... Can't wait til the World Cup starts SOON!! :) Go England 2010!
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