Can I just say how much I HATE this city for a moment... I mean I NEVER actually liked it, I just like the wonderful man here... and as soon as we CAN leave to move elsewhere, I can hardly wait already... I royally hate this place!! I woke up to snow today before having to go to work... It was actually mostly ice but whatever... On my commute to work I hit black ice like THREE times on the highway and luckily I am actually smart enough to turn my wheel into the direction of the swerve... And thanks to my lovely snow tires I saved myself from a couple wrecks by being able to stop with them when regular tires would not have helped! I also got my first cheque today at work... I had almost 3 weeks of work and did not even pull off $400!! Have I mentioned I hate this job... I liked the other store better... this store has like 2 or maybe 3 nice people at it and the rest I wanna bitchslap... and we can get so busy that I can not even enjoy my "regular customers" like the other store... And the pay is obviously horrid and I can not get the hours like I need, and he mixes up my sechdule so much that I can not really even balence it with a second job. How retarded is that?!? Just whatever is all I can say... Maybe I will apply at the post office... They have a sign out again. They will probably have 10 hours less (wait 7 hours less cos I have 3 less hours in a week now) but the pay is almost double!! I just want to get a job (even as a secretary) in like a dental office or ortho office... that would be ideal!! Oh if only this economy did not SUCK!! Wichita I hate you so!!
Well I'm still working on that JESUS WANTS TO SAVE CHRISTIANS blog cos its turning out a lot longer than I thought it would be... so sorry its taking forever and a day... I also still don't have news if I am approved for an apartment yet. I've been in such a foul mood today I gave myself a mani & then questioned my sanity since the colour is SO BRIGHT!! I kept it tho cos it went on really even and all...
Oh and I got Twitter now... You can follow me at http://twitter.com/RayeRhodesUK
I dunno what else to say... I'm gonna download some new songs to my computer And hopefully EVENTUALLY be in a better mood... and maybe work on my one blog later... its COLD outside... I love Winter & Summer, but this Spring or Autumn shit can kiss my ass!!
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