Okay It really feels like forever since I have been on here but I promise I will get better. I just spent the last 5+ hours fixing the computer with the help of my father and brother over the phone... I had a nasty virus that would not let me open the internet at ALL and we had to reverse the system and get it off... after that I had to remove the Malware & the first two scans were costly, but my bro knew of a free one we finally used & I had 257 threats the first time!! The removal did not fully work tho so I had to get another scan (taking another hour and a half) and remove the last 56 things of malware. Turns out a lot of stuff came from Zwinky (which is now gone) and the virus was Vista Guard 2010 (not a friend)... after all of that its finally gone... I still don't have a virus protection, but I think I'm okay for doing this... just cant download really anything new... But I will hopefully have it REALLY SOON :)
Aside from my computer having a virus, I also had a nasty virus just a week ago... So nasty that I got spots all over me. I went to the doctor & it was this new virus that had developed. It was not one of the known viruses like measles, mumps, rubella, or chicken pox, but it was kind of a cross between chicken pox and measles (the spots were more pox like but flat and only itched if wet)... it was as contagious as say Chicken Pox so I was not allowed to work or go to church last week. It was quite unpleasent. I had to take a pill like every 6 hours... Bahh... but the spots did go away quickly with that drug, and as much as Chad likes to say his immune system is "shit" he did manage to NOT catch the MeaslePox (what I call the sickness, it has no real name)... And Chad was DEFFINATLY exposed, he just got VERY lucky :)
Last Sunday as I was getting better Chad begged me to go to the casinos in Oklahoms so we drove an hour to Native Lights Casino (where the picture of Chad at the Slot machine was taken) and some other casino right next to it... I HATE the casino... they always smell AWFUL!! and its boring. And I drove, and due to my medicine I had to take from being sick I was not even able to have a few drinks so I was CRANKY!! I told Chad next time we go to the casino he is driving & he is buying me some damn alcohol (not to get drunk but just to take the edge off of my crankiness of being there)...
I went to the library and paid to have my newsletters printed after the address labels were recieved, so birthday cards thru March and Christmas cards were FINALLY sent... I have the April ones already ready to send off in a few weeks. Chad's B-Day is the 23rd, but I still gotta get him his gift (I'm sure with shipping time it won't be here in time, but thats his fault for waiting to tell me what he wanted til the last minute).
Other than all that just workin my ass off at the Taco place... Today was soooooo busy and I am sooooooo tired!! I had hoped the computer would have been fixed in 2 hours tops... oh well... at least its taken care of!! I ran into someone at Taco Shop today who had remembered me from when I worked at the other store... :) I still don't have an apartment or any of that so there is still a lot to do. I still have to sit down and finish (*cough* start *cough*) my March book Drops Like Stars by Rob Bell (okay I read like 17 pages so far I think...) And I hope VERY shortly to post the February Book blog (since my computer is actually better now)... And I have Tuesday off so maybe Tuesday, but no promises... I'm just so glad my health and my PC-Piece-O-Crappo's health is doing better... hahaha... (now I can download more music I wanted again, and pictures from my phone to hard-drive etc). Okay, well I hope to update later this week, so keep looking for updates...