If you were to ask me what I was worst at in 2004 I would have said patience, in 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, and 2009 I would have said the same thing... I used to always say "God's gonna have to strike me dead before I learn to be patient!!" Well since December 2009 my arm has been bent backwards until i can get the value of patience into my skull!! The lack of patience has gotten me into trouble before... I believe that played a large role in my lack of wanting to wait to finish school... Now I WANT to wait because I know its best!! Through the process of trying to look for a job, in my daily life with Chad and relationaships with others I meet... It always turns out the same... PATIENCE MUST BE THERE!! In order to stay sane and not get compleatly frustrated at life I need to be patient. I am no onto my final session of the Beth Moore Study & I must say that has pushed me to be learning to be patient as well as a number of other things I learned (I will post on the book soon when I finish it). I honnestly feel though now as if I CAN wait for what is to come. Everything will happen when & as it is supposed to!!
I got a lot done today... I got my Post Office Box finally so I can send out my Christmas cards etc as soon as my address labels arrive in like one week... (I have to print my newsletter to send with it and figure out how to do that still). I still don't have my gov't money but it is coming SOON I can feel it!! That, or maybe a job will come. Today I had TWO interviews... The first was with that Salon "Charisma" that I was told was not hiring AFTER I had the interview (who gives an interview when not hiring?!?) so needless to say that was not well. I later however applied to a resteraunt called Cheddars & I got an interview right after I applied because it was before 4PM. I actually feel like that interview went REALLY well. The interview went on for 20 minutes and I did most of the talking. The interviewer seamed impressed with my interview skills & said he seamed like he knew me already. He said he put me down as a server/host on his list & would call me after calling a refrence or two. I hope I get this job... It would be great to finally be employed. If I can work full time hours I will be even happier!! At this point a job is a job though. I have eaten at Cheddars SEVERAL times so I think that would be pretty good... and I like their outfits :)
It has been a productive day... We did get a bit more snow, I want even MORE!!! (Like my snow picture?!? hahaha) I Want a royal WINTER WONDERLAND!!! :) I am sooooo Bloody Excited that I can feel good things coming as I draw closer to God. The future looks bright despite all the difficult things I have encountered in the last 7 or so weeks. I can say that because I have learned to be patient... and I am still learning everyday!! And someday WAY down the road I hope to go back to Uni (when I am REALLY ready) and persue my degree... Things will only start looking up... Even if the job for some weird reason doesn't work out, God is still good & he is still teaching me patience... What a great SKILL :)
I plan to read more of My February book too... Look out for that blog prolly closer to the end of the month... And Smile... Its going to be a great year!!
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