Hello Everyone!! Sorry it has been a while since my last post on Velvet Elvis, but things have gotten even more crazy if you can believe it along with my internet and keyboard acting up worse than usual. Sorry for all the typing errors on the Velvet Elvis blog. Many of my keys are slowly dying on my keyboard. I hope to buy a MACBOOK PRO when I can afford to, but right now I really do not have that kind of money at all. I still have not gotten a job, but over the last week and a half or so that has not been much of a concern. The Chaos started on Monday (I think, or was it last Saturday... I think it was Saturday) of this (last) week. You know how some days are just SO BAD you can not help but laugh histarically?!? That was one of those days!! It started at 4am before I woke up with Chad's automobile dying at the pump at the petrol station. I tried to get it to start until 7am when he called his buddy Ben who he thought had to work at 8, but really didnt have to work til 10. either way he came out with his tools & him & Chad tried working on the auto to get it to start until 9am. They had no luck so Chad came back to the apartment to wake me up and have me call AAA to get some help. By about 11AM they car had been towed to the apartment car park & due to the snow they had trouble pushing it in a parking place. Due to a divine miracle the auto was jump started JUST long enough to back it 10 feet into the spot. The day proceeded with Chaos in Chad trying to get a full refund on a prepaid credit card that the people at "Advance America" but they kept charging him for it, so EVENTUALLY after like 4 hours or work on that he had his refund (and I got to drive him all over to fix the situation). At about 2PM our toilet broke!! I couldnt help but laugh all day at how awful the day was. That evening Ben visited & fixed the toilet, but Chad was out an automobile and he hates walking so thus I have been driving him for the past week.
I believe it was MONDAY things got bad for me. Walking into church on Sunday I fell on the ice (which is insane because I used to figure skate and never fell) but anyway because I have a joint disorder (HMS) I think it put a pretty bad strain on me, because Monday I had to go to Urgent Care Centre where I recieved like 8 XRays. There was a fear I broke or dislocated my elbow or shoulder, but luckily had only bad sprains through my left arm (If you look at my picture with this blog, you can see I am wearing my arm in a sling). So on top of running Chad's errands to pay his phone bill, take him to work etc, I have been running these errands with ONE ARM!!! I was unable to take my pain pills while driving so when I was not running errands I was often asleep from my crazy pain killers. Chad was pretty helpful when I asked him though, and I am weaning myself off the sling & doing better now. :)
As for news on a job I am somewhat getting tired of being told I am not qualified to work here & there etc. A man named Mark Jones at the Church I attend called me on Wednesday about being a waitress at Granite City and everything seamed pretty good until I concluded my interview and the man told me he did not think I capable of learning how to be a waitress or memorising the menu (never mind that I have been a perfect A student... because apparently that means nothing). Oh well! While at Starbucks talking to Lilly-Ann a lady came up to me who heard me talking about how I needed a job and all of the things I knew how to do etc & she said that I should apply in the salon management stuff that she works in. She said they were looking for people and I sounded like the right kind of person so I should bring my resume by on Tuesday. I still have to write a cover letter to go with it, but I really hope this works out because it is a really good job that I think I would do well at. We'll see... some things are just weird. (This all happened yesterday!!)
A lot more crazy things happened yesterday too. Chad fixed his automobile. He opened the hood of his auto and noticed his battery had blown up to itty bitty tiny pieces. He gathered the pieces and took them to Walmart and bought a new battery & he put it in. He did not think the battery was the issue because he had tried things with the battery before & it did not work, but he put in the new battery & it just sort of started!! :) Chad's mum also stopped by to give Chad a hair cut & delievered our Christmas gifts (since we had not been by to pick them up). The day finished at around 3 to 4am today when Chad came in second place on a poker tournament (he was one card off of taking first, but I guess thats just luck)... He won $171 on a $1 entry fee!! Out of 100 or so people he was second, so I guess thats pretty good.
I have also been getting great help from Lilly-Ann and people at church to help with money beyond my parents sending money. Lilly-Ann has been giving me things like potatoes & loo roll... Little things, but still needed and helpful. An anonomyous gift from a person at church for $200 will also be a big help especially for food when it runs out, and doing laundry & paying medical bills. It actually somewhat puts me in awe that people can be this nice... It makes me want to be able to repay others and do things like this in return.
It has deffinatly been crazy. I have still taken time to have a date night with Chad to just watch films from the apartment & just enjoy ourselves. It is a rough time but I am sure things can get better. One day things will be better. I hope to have a job soon and my money from the government will hopefully be in very shortly. I also need my PO Box to send off my Christmas Cards, & Birthday for January & February... I still have not finished the Beth Moore Study, but will post when I am done, and I need to start on JESUS WANTS TO SAVE CHRISTIANS (My book for February) so I can post on that at the end of the month too). I hope to read one book every month this year... Just wait and see the things to come... And hopefully my NEXT post will have even more exciting good news :)
Til Next Time,
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