Sorry it has been ages since my last post. I have been a mix of sick and busy, but thats not why I have not posted... My internet only seams to work when it feels like it. I am currently doing my wash at SPRING CLEAN so I am using their WI-FI while I wait & download songs. So much has been going on that I really do not know what to even SAY in this post. I finished the Stepping Up book that I will post on right after this, as well as I finished Jesus Wants To Save Christians by Rob Bell which I will hopefully get to post on in the next week (I HOPEEE). I now have an address (I can not remember if I said that before) but I am waiting on my address labels to send my Christmas Cards. I paid P&P Priority and they STILL aren't here. So they are like MAJOR late... Yeah it suxxxx.
I had a meeting with pastor Cathy at starbucks... I still don't have a job... Applying for national health coverage for disabled people (the Medicaid sector thru SS)... I finally got my govt money... yeah a lot has been going on.
Through it all tho I want to relive my childhood. I seriously think I am having an early midlife crisis or something. Like I miss High School and being 12- 17 or so years old... Its becoming obcessive... I seriously miss it. It could be that things are just really difficult now and goes away... Hopefully right?!? The picture on this blog is of me when I was four years old in Japan. I miss being young... I could go on and on... but I won't. I still have not chosen my book for March yet, but I did START my next Bible study book called LIVING FREE by Beth Moore. So far its not as good as the last. I hope it gets better. I'm gonna spend the rest of my time typing up the Stepping Up blog and downloading music... I'm gonna try to update when I can... Internet has just been so stubborn (I can't even play ZWINKY)... We'll I'll catch ya'll laterzzz :L
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