Between 16 January & 13 February 2010 I worked through a six week Bible study book called Stepping Up by Beth Moore. (I sometimes skipped days or did 2 or 3 days work in a single day).The Book took a journey through the 15 Psalms of Ascent (# 120- 134) as the ancient Israelites took their pilgramage to Jerusalem. I have SO much to say about this study, but I could really keep it brief. This study I would reccommend to all women young or old that want to expirence a deeper relationship with God or are looking for a relationship with God. (I suppose a man could do the study but its directed towards women). This study was first reccommended to me by my friend Paige Johnson, but it was also a study my mum did a while back. It was on my list of things to do so I picked it up and did it. As a lot can be covered in 15 Psalms and 6 weeks I am only going to share a single little bit that I took from each Psalm. In the back of the book there is a stair graphic where you write in that stair what you want to take with you most about that psalm (after you write your own version of it in the book itself). So since we all can take different things from the study it is still good for you to do for yourself... And there is a lot more to be gained than a single point that I put in each of my steps on my stair graphic. So be sure to cheque out the psalms for yourself. These are my key points:
Psalm 120- We must heal from a lack of love. Let God love me so I can Love others better. (18 Jan 2010)
Psalm 121- God always protects and provides for me & hears me in a way no human can. (20 Jan 2010)
Psalm 122- Be content to serve God where you are now, not where you are going to be someday. (21 Jan 2010)
Psalm 123- God is here when we feel hurt or expirence contempt. (23 Jan 2010)
Psalm 124- Even though I have let the devil have part of me in the past, Satan didn't get all he wanted. (24 Jan 2010)
Psalm 125- God is present and protecting us even when we feel hurt or harmed. (25 Jan 2010)
Psalm 126- It takes patience to be restored to our gladness sometimes. (27 Jan 2010)
Psalm 127- Wait on God to stop labouring in vain. (28 Jan 2010)
Psalm 128- God blesses us when we perservere in him. (1 Feb 2010)
Psalm 129- God will give us all we need in due time (patience) just as he promised. (5 Feb 2010)
Psalm 130- God now has me fully redeemed from my past. He blesses me & makes me whole. (7 Feb 2010)
Psalm 131- God calms and carries me through difficulty. He is a bigger need than any physical need. (9 Feb 2010)
Psalm 132- When we ask God for something, he always responds exceeding what we asked for, even if our minds can not grasp the response. (10 Feb 2010)
Psalm 133- I need to forgive those in the church that hurt me to heal & love them to bring unity how God wanted it. (12 Feb 2010)
Psalm 134- God blesses me! Even when my mind doesn't initally realise it. (13 Feb 2010)
Overall the lessons I learned had to deal with patience (which I am still working on), moving on from the past (which I seam to get caught up in a different way around lately), and accepting the blessings God has already bistowed upon me (which is one of the few things that keeps me going).
Like I said, the study will teach each of us something different, so pick up the book if you haven't yet & try it. I hope sometime before the month is up to post my February book review on JESUS WANTS TO SAVE CHRISTIANS by Rob Bell. And hopefully get out those Christmas and Birthday cards... and find that job... Keeping fingers crossed... Til next time,