The Dental Class a little over a week ago! |
I don't even remember my last blog post. It has honestly been so long since I have posted a blog and honestly I have had internet for a while now. I live in Colorado. I have been here since the 27th of December 2011. I Go to Pima Medical Institute for Dental assisting. I only have 5 more weeks of school and externship left before I am done then I hope to buy a house. I am thinking I will eventually want to receive my schooling for dental hygiene. I am getting a bit too old for dental school... Or I guess not TECHNICALLY but yeah... I want to start my life and explore and have more adventures. It has been a while since I was truly able to have FUN in life but thats not to say that my life has not significantly improved here in Denver. I am still trying to make friends which I have not really done, but hopefully after spending a while here I will. I am a 4.0 student in school, I found a job after living here only for 4 days. My car died for good but my father flew out here to get me a new one... I think my new car could really use a new paint job! And I could really use some new clothes. Especially dresses. I don't have any to wear to Temple Sinai (a reform Jewish Temple I have been going to every week for about a month and a half now). I hope to really strengthen that and make that part of my life for when I have children someday. I want my kids to grow up with that as part of their life and know who they are. But I also want a church to be part of their life cos all of that makes us who we are. I saw my friend Lydia like a week ago after having not seen her for like 4 years! That was awesome. Easter weekend I took Chad to Garden of the Gods. We didn't get out of the car but he finally got to see it. We should go back sometime I hope... After Chad is working a good job especially. I really want to travel BAD. Right now I'm mostly working on school though and learning Hebrew more and going to temple. After all, this is all a part of me and I enjoy it. I lost one of my best friends of 8 1/2 years about a month and a half ago as well and at first I was really upset at her about it but over time realised she had changed so much that she is just a bitch now and I honestly could care less if she is out of my life now. She isn't that girl who I was once friends with... She's just a bitch and nothing more. I hope to make more friends...
Honestly I considered starting a new blog all together but why not try to just start new on this blog? So thats what I'm doing. Oh and my joints have been in remission now since early/mid February. My digestive track is back and forth between working and not and I have mild heart problems that I have been able to monitor... at least for the most part... The tonsilitis I had while still in Kansas and the HUGEEEE List of health problems that almost killed me (not sure if I was able to write about that or not) has finally settled down and I am doing much better. I really have a lot more on this blog to update other than a post so I reckon thats what I should do now. Oh I also read "Old Before My Time" by Hayley Okines which all of you should read cos its really good and inspiring. And I've been knitting... A LOT! So yeah. I'm gonna go update my page (maybe my photo at a later date?) and we will see... Cos yea... that picture on here is like... 3 years old and I don't look like that anymore. But Yeah... Its been ages... So hope you all haven't forgotten me! Catch ya'll later :)