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Chad's Mum dyed my hair dark & I LOVEEE IT! :) |
COMPUTER AND TECHNOLOGY- Shortly after my last blog, my PC kicked the bucket... AGAIN! So I was out without a computer AGAIN! In April I bought my MAC after quite a few months of being without a computer so I would have a reliable one for school and so far the computer has worked brilliant! I paid for most of it outright but put about $750 on a payment plan (which I have already paid off about $80). The computer in total cost about $1,600! I have not gotten much chance to begin to use it to record my music yet though with all the working I have been doing! When my father came to visit me in the beginning of May he fixed my PC so that is working again now too... of course working for how long is questionable but yeah... I guess it technically works for now...
MY JOB- I am still working at the same place... WOO HOO!! haha just kidding, but really since Ben is managing the store now, most weeks I get hours out the ASS!! Loads of overtime... in the first few months of the year I had already made half of what I did all last year... this is GOOD NEWS!! :) My finances are not GREAT but overall I've been doing much better... making all my bills... having a little left over to spend, AND money left to save! :) But I am still paying off my computer and my credit card...
SCHOOL, COLORADO, AND THE LIKE- Well Chad had the idea that I go to school in Colorado anyway so I was going to try to... I found out I could go to University of Northern Colorado for pretty much for free (there was an issue with AIMS college getting enough in loans that I was going to)... I had the money saved up for the move etc but then the apartment I was going to rent fell through and I had trouble finding another place, so ultimately I postponed the move until December and I will be attending Butler College here instead until then... I was going to start in summer term but there was an issue with my financial aid going through in time, so instead I will just begin in August. I will be getting a degree in secondary education science (and will likely take up a specific focus in physics when in Colorado). I have given a MAJOR summary of these events as if i went into detail it would take up a LOT of time to write it all).
MY FATHERS VISIT- Well I have health coverage now... and a real mattress on my bed! That was my birthday gift from them... Aside from him fixing my computer we spent time shopping, and went to Chuckie Cheese to play games :)
CHURCH- As many have known over the last year I have had many issues with the church and have been restless with them ever since... I for a while considered becoming Catholic but have ultimately decided not to as there were many key things I was not okay with. I have recently stumbled upon the Unitarian church and have loved what I have seen so far... I feel thus far it has really helped me make my peace with God. I bought a book on the Unitarian church to read to find out more and ultimately will help me make that decision for certain!
WHAT IS TO COME- My birthday is coming up soon so I just bought myself a lot of stuff on my amazon wish-list that all went on sale! :) Exciting... Other than that I have mostly been working on long term plans... I have been trying to figure out how to save up for a down payment on a house and where I want to live... Chad has expressed interest in moving out of the USA for more freedoms etc since poker is no longer allowed online and the country is just falling apart more & more... I could make a good life back in England when I'm done so that is also a possibility... You never know... I really like the city of Leeds :) Who knows though... that's not needed to be decided for a while... Other than that just working on my life now... learning to get better at cleaning my apartment and maintaining all of that before I would ever get married, have kids, or even get another pet... But we'll see... There is a lot to come so I hope to keep you posted soon... Sorry it has been so long! Please keep reading...