I am honnestly looking forward to New Years 2010 more than any other New Year so far in my life. Every year seams to get more difficult and I enjoy it less and less. For those of you who do not already know, 2009 was a very difficult year for me. After leaving school at Toccoa in 2008 things have not quite been the same for me. I made a list of a few ideas on things I wanted to do instead of school, but never accomplished them. I ended up returning to school at Lyndon only to realise I hated that place more than ever. I have just recently dropped out of school again and moved to the midwest where my man Chad Collier lives. If one good thing happened this year it was meeting him. I met him in April, but it was not until late June that I was with him. 6 Months now hard to believe... I spent most of that time at Lyndon. I realised my studies at Lyndon were far from what I wanted to be doing. I very well may return to school one day, but at the moment I will continue doing what I am good at (being a dropout). At the moment I am in need to look for a job so I can establish myself, get my own apartment (currently at Chad's) and begin my life. I have made once again a list of countless things that I wish to do while not in school as well as a bucket list of things to do before I die. I am pretty adventerous so many of them are pretty crazy, but I intend to persue each one of them! I am excited for the new year... I am excited to start over and have a new beginning. I anticipate many adventures to come so keep chequing my blog for the latest posts on what I am up to. I will try to keep it up to date. As for tonight it is a quiet night here... Chad has the flu and I have been messing around on the computer with iTunes for the last few days. I did return to First Presbyterian Church this week. I went there last week and it was pretty nice. I met more people this week. It looks like there are lots of oppertunities to get involved and meet people. The church seams pretty good so far, the only drawback is having to drive across the city because it is downtown. I finally learned how to get there though :)
Well Thats all I have to say for now. I hope you all have a VERY Happy New Year 2010!!